“Flux Selves” is an artistic exploration of the concept of the self and its relationship with the sourrounding world beyond a binary, human-centered perspective...
"What is my vehicle?" A ritualistic dialogue emerges during late-night car rides when the invited interlocutor and I feel lost and directionles....
"Ouroboros (Contrails)" is a series of linked photographs, creating a horizontal line composed of connecting contrails, which are clouds streaks produced by aircrafts....
Dragons and phoenixes, as myths and totems, accompany humanity's imagination, hope, and relentless struggle. They are born to soar into the cosmos, touch the sun, and yet....
Lovers explores the relationship between humans and technology, using balloons and AI to express the pain and suspension within our inner selves...
n Vivo // In Vitro - Trial 1.4 (2024) is an interactive new media installation. It leverages machine learning to understand the moment a viewer blinks....
Dragons and phoenixes, as myths and totems, accompany humanity's imagination, hope, and relentless struggle. They are born to soar into the cosmos, touch the sun, and yet....
Lovers explores the relationship between humans and technology, using balloons and AI to express the pain and suspension within our inner selves...
n Vivo // In Vitro - Trial 1.4 (2024) is an interactive new media installation. It leverages machine learning to understand the moment a viewer blinks....